Hi, friends! My name is Sarah and I’m a newborn photographer based out of Buffalo, NY. I wanted to share a bit today about how and why I became a newborn photographer.

How It Began
My “business” started when I was in college, mostly as a hobby and creative outlet. I was working toward my bachelor’s degree in architecture, but loved taking photos on the side. I was shooting weekend weddings and a few engagement sessions here and there, in between going to school full time.

While working on my degree in architecture, I was also working at a corporate firm doing an internship and learning the ins and outs of the job. When I finished my bachelor’s degree, I was offered a full time job at a firm and accepted it.

I learned pretty quickly by working in the “real world” of architecture that it wasn’t my calling. I was working 8-5 daily, with no energy or time for any sort of creativity by the end of the work day. The mundane tasks were exhausting me. One month after my husband and I got married, I found out that I was pregnant. This changed everything for me.

How it Continued
I worked at the firm up until the last few weeks of my pregnancy, until I made the decision that I would not be returning, and instead decided to work on building a business instead. There was something deep in my gut telling me that there was something in the cards for me other than my full time architecture job. I delivered my daughter and learned exactly what that deep down voice was in the weeks that followed.

Before my daughter was born, I had every intention of taking my own newborn photos of her, and making them into a beautiful album to share with her someday. But motherhood was different in reality than what I had envisioned in my head. I was exhausted, and never got around to taking any professional photos of her, much less printing them out.

Time was flying by in the first few months of motherhood. I wanted to pause it, soak it all in, and was so disappointed in myself for all of the memories I hadn’t captured. A few months into my motherhood journey is when it clicked for me. That I could be that person to help other moms through this postpartum journey.

After this realization, I opened my business, named it after my first daughter, and solely focused on newborns and motherhood. I could connect with my new mom clients, and became truly passionate about creating these memories for them. My passion for becoming a newborn photographer was birthed when I became a mother.

All this to say, I absolutely LOVE creating these memories for you. My business and career is near and dear to my heart. If you’d like to follow along on my business journey, feel free to follow me on instagram here. Or if you’re near the Buffalo area and would like to work together, check out my website here. I’d love to meet you and your growing family 🙂